47% of cancer overall positive response to treatment thanks to OncoDEEP combined tumour molecular profiling

by OncoDNA

Pharmacogenomic Testing to Guide Personalized Cancer Medicine Decisions in Private Oncology Practice: A Case Study

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Identifican una nueva vía para tratar el cáncer de ovario a través de su metabolismo

by ICO - Institut Català d'Oncologia

Un estudio demuestra que la reparación del ADN en tumores BRCA1/2 es altamente dependiente del metabolismo oxidativo. El tratamiento con fármacos, com la Metformina, que inhibe este metabolismo, par...

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ADmit Therapeutics, backed by Ship2B, GENESIS Biomed and BStartup, obtains the support of the Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation

by GENESIS Biomed

ADmit Therapeu​tics has received an investment of 497.652$ from the ADDF Diagnostics Accelerator for the development of its early Alzheimer’s disease diagnostic test in blood samples. The Diagnost...

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ORYZON anuncia la inclusión del primer paciente en el estudio ESCAPE: un ensayo clínico de Fase II con vafidemstat en enfermos graves de COVID-19

by Oryzon Genomics

Oryzon Genomics S.A., compañía biofarmacéutica de fase clínica centrada en la epigenética para el desarrollo de terapias para enfermedades con importantes necesidades médicas no resueltas, ha an...

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Un equipo del CSIC busca una vacuna para Covid-19 que usa un antígeno del coronavirus para estimular la inmunidad

by CSIC - Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

Los investigadores colocan un gen de un antígeno de SARS-CoV-2 en un ‘vehículo’ sintético de ADN que se introduce en las células para inducir protección frente a la infección

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Alliance between the IMIM and Chemotargets to accelerate the design of new cancer therapies

by Parc Científic de Barcelona

The company Chemotargets –based in the Barcelona Science Park and a leader in in the global market as a provider of intelligence and drug design prediction platform– has signed a strategic agreeme...

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El antiviral Remdesivir es más eficaz contra la COVID-19 si se administra antes de que los pacientes requieran ventilación mecánica

by IrsiCaixa

La revista ‘The New England Journal of Medicine’ publica los resultados del ensayo internacional con este fármaco, que consigue reducir en un 31% el tiempo de hospitalización

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Alta Life Sciences and CDTI invest €7.6M in Accure Therapeutics, a new company that will develop a portfolio of new medicines to address CNS diseases

by Alta Life Sciences / CDTI

Accure Therapeutics, a new pharma R&D player in the Central Nervous System (CNS) field, announces today its launch with a Series A round of funding totalling €7.6 million ($8.1M). The funding round ...

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SOM Biotech at the BIO International Convention 2020

by Som Biotech

SOM Biote​ch will attend BIO International Co​nvention 2020 in its virtual format “BIO Digital” on June 8th – 12th.

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Two anti-inflammatory drugs found that inhibit the replication of the COVID-19 virus

by Universitat Rovira i Virgili

A study by the URV’s Cheminformatics and Nutrition research group has shown that an anti-inflammatory drug for humans and another for animals inhibit a key enzyme in the replication and transcriptio...

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Optimizing the vaccine manufacturing process

by Telstar

Telstar’s cutting-edge technologies and integrated systems have proven to offer high output in all the phases of the injectable vaccine production. Involved in each stage of the complete manufacturi...

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