La investigación sobre encefalomielitis miálgica liderada por la profesora Elisa Oltra, apoyada por Star Exclusivas

by Universidad Católica de Valencia

La Universidad Católica de Valencia y la empresa Star Exclusivas han firmado un convenio de colaboración para impulsar la investigación de la encefalomielitis miálgica/síndrome de fatiga crónica...

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GalChimia in the Spanish Biotech market – 2019 Highlights

by Galchimia

According to the ASEBIO 2019 repo​rt, Spain remains a powerful region in terms of biotechnology and Research & Development efforts. The country counts with nearly 3000 companies working on biotechno...

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Cancer Research. The CNIO creates a collaborative platform to streamline brain metastasis research

by CNIO - Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas

Science is collaborative by nature, since scientific knowledge only advances, step by step, through combined efforts and findings. Nevertheless, there is often a lack of communication regarding the mo...

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Abierta la segunda convocatoria de proyectos biotecnológicos

by BioIncubaTech

La Universidade de Santiago de Compostela acaba de abrir hoy mismo la segunda convocatoria de BioIncubatech, la incubadora de alta tecnología, que ofrece nuevamente espacio y apoyo a 22 pequeñas emp...

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Vall d'Hebron y empresas de CataloniaBio & HealthTech buscan sinergias para las necesidades clínicas detectadas durante la Covid-19

by Vall d’Hebron
  • 4 years ago

El encuentro se llevó a cabo en el marco de las jornadas online Hospital Connection, que organiza el Grupo de Trabajo de Innovación de CataloniaBio & HealthTech.

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Covid-19: first-hand experiences from entrepreneurs

by GENESIS Biomed

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic that is hitting many countries has clearly affected the medical start-up and spin-off ecosystem. After talking to some of the companies we support we have seen that it has not ...

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Sartorius raises forecast for the full year of 2020

by Sartorius Stedim Spain

Stronger growth and higher profitability expected for the Bioprocess Solutions Division and the entire Group; outlook for the Lab Products & Services Division unchanged

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New section: Species datasheets


Microptic provides datasheets of various species for SCA® (sperm analysis) users.

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What Can AFM Do for Polymer Research?

by Telstar

Join us for an engaging discussion on the latest in polymeric applications and research. Following presentations from our guest speakers we will have live in-lab demonstrations of the techniques and m...

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3P Biopharmaceuticals nombra a Iker Portugal como Director Financiero Corporativo


Es un profesional con dilatada experiencia en el sector financiero y se une a 3P para impulsar el crecimiento de la compañía

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Sartorius with dynamic growth in the first half; 2020 sales and earnings forecast raised

by Sartorius Stedim Spain

Sartorius, a leading international partner of life science research and the biopharmaceutical industry, raised its growth and earnings guidance for the current year based on its very dynamic business ...

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GalChimia, empresa colaboradora en el Máster Interuniversitario de Química Orgánica

by Galchimia

Participamos un año más como empresa colaboradora en el Máster de Química Orgánica que imparten conjuntamente la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) ...

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