Asphalion’s Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Marta Rayo Lunar as new Scientific and Regulatory Affairs Director.
Read moreIn memory of Ramon Capella Armengol, Telstar’s founder and first president. A vastly accomplished businessman and entrepreneur who pioneered Telstar’s consolidation and expansion process until the...
Read moreLas jornadas laborales ocupan buena parte de nuestro día a día. Por este motivo muchos de los accidentes y de las lesiones que sufrimos se producen mientras trabajamos. Entre las partes del cuerpo m...
Read moreThe past year was unquestionably challenging for many of us. As I reflect on 2020, however, it is not only the challenges that will stick with me, but also the surprising amount that was achieved. The...
Read moreMost aspects of medicine have historically been learned in an apprenticeship model by means of observation, imitation, and instruction. This paradigm is rapidly changing towards the adoption of medica...
Read moreThe main symptoms are depression, anxiety, panic attacks, post-traumatic stress disorder, and substance abuse.
Read moreEl sistema EMERTIC, basado en una innovadora metodología que detecta señales débiles, ya se implanta en empresas del sector metalúrgico, servicios esenciales y administración pública
Read moreAsphalion’s Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Sonia López as new Pharmacovigilance Director.
Read moreThe well-being of our employees is front and centre at Asphalion. Lockdown and homeworking have had a significant impact to our lifestyle and taking care of ourselves is essential, especially in these...
Read moreLa firma de búsqueda y evaluación de talento, EuroGalenusExecutive Search, especializada en los sectores de la salud y Life Sciences, amplía su alcance internacional y cartera de servicios con su i...
Read moreAdvances in clinical pharmacology and cancer research are fueling the rise of high potency active pharmaceutical ingredients (HPAPIs).
Read moreCon la voluntad de hacer más atractivas las carreras investigadoras en Europa, en el año 2005 la Comisión Europea adoptó una Carta Europea para Investigadores y un Código de Conducta para la Cont...
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