A high-fat diet is not enough to cause short-term fatty liver disease. However, if this diet is combined with the intake of beverages sweetened with liquid fructose, the accumulation of fats in the li...
Read moreInvestigadores del IIS Biodonostia y la UPV/EHU, integrantes del Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas (CIBEREHD), en colaboración con investigadores inte...
Read moreNine French and Spanish EIT Health NGO, medical and industrial partners have joined forces with patients to develop a more affordable mobile screening solution for Diabetic Retinopathy, an ophthalmolo...
Read moreEste trabajo, publicado en la revista Journal of Molecular Biology, podría contribuir al desarrollo de novedosos biosensores y sistemas de diagnóstico de la hepatitis C, con una sensibilidad de dete...
Read moreInvestigadores del Clínic-IDIBAPS y del CIBEREHD demuestran que en pacientes con fibrosis avanzada pero sin cirrosis u otras complicaciones, el riesgo de desarrollar cáncer de hígado es muy bajo.
Read moreEarly diagnosis, a protein-free diet and treatment with a cofactor called BH4 make it possible for patients with this disease to develop normally. A project being jointly developed by Hospital Clínic...
Read moreRegenerating and pCa rotecting pancreatic beta cells, which are responsible for producing and secreting insulin, are two of the areas of research being carried out to combat both type 1 and type 2 dia...
Read moreResearchers from IBEC, in collaboration with IDIBAPS in Barcelona, have developed nontoxic small spheres able to respond to variations in glucose levels, and producing insulin in vitro. These biomimet...
Read moreNonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a disease affecting approximately one-quarter of the world’s adult population, reflects dysfunctional hepatic lipid metabolism. An international team of res...
Read moreLa nueva empresa de base tecnológica nace con el objetivo de desarrollar fármacos para ayudar a los pacientes con trastornos inflamatorios y metabólicos con terapias innovadoras capaces de reducir...
Read moreThe conclusions of the study could contribute to the improvement of nutritional guidelines for pregnant women in order to ensure a proper prenatal nutrition and prevent the development of diseases. Am...
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