La secuenciación de genomas supera el rendimiento del cariotipo, microarrays cromosómicos y secuenciación de exomas en el diagnóstico del trastorno del espectro autista y las anomalías fetales es...
Read moreEl riesgo a desarrollar cáncer debido a la presencia de mutaciones patogénicas en los genes BRCA es menor cuando no hay antecedentes familiares en primer grado.
Read moreThe Institute has created a new emerging research group dedicated to medicine maternal-fetal, to study those pathologies related to pregnancy, which affect both the mother and the fetus
Read moreBreast milk levels of cytokines, key molecules for the newborn's immune system, can be affected by the mother's diet and premature birth. This is evidenced by new research from the Autonomous Universi...
Read moreThis project aims to understand fundamental aspects of oocyte development which might help address unexplained infertility, which accounts for around one in four cases of infertility
Read moreThe new study, led by Eva González-Suárez, head of the Transformation and Metastase Group at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO), describes the behaviour and interaction of these two ...
Read moreEn el ensayo clínico IMPACT-BCN, que estudiaba el posible beneficio de intervenciones en el estilo de vida materno durante el embarazo, tanto la dieta mediterránea como la reducción del estrés a t...
Read moreNew Study Reveals Connections Between Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Exposure and Children's Body Mass Index (BMI) trajectories
Read moreWorld Breast Cancer Day speaker is an opportunity to raise awareness and join forces with other women's cancers that don't get as much visibility
Read moreUn estudio colaborativo del CIBERSAM liderado por el grupo de FIDMAG describe la influencia que tienen marcadores evolutivos relacionados con el neurodesarrollo fetal sobre la arquitectura cortical de...
Read moreEste estudio ha sido publicado en la prestigiosa revista PNAS y supone un gran avance para comprender la fertilidad masculina porque es la primera vez que se relaciona el papel metabólico crucial del...
Read moreResearchers from the Hospital Clínic-IDIBAPS have taken part in an international study that shows that cannabis and cannabinoids can improve some medical conditions.
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