La Dra. Lourdes Ibáñez coordina el proyecto europeo SPIMET4HEALTH para tratar el síndrome del ovario poliquístico en adolescentes y mujeres jóvenes

by Fundació Sant Joan de Déu

SPIOMET4HEALTH estudiará los efectos de un tratamiento novedoso para mejorar la calidad de vida de las jóvenes que padezcan síndrome del ovario poliquístico (SOP), un síndrome que afecta al 5-10%...

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Low birth weight induces changes to the heart that persist at adult age and limits capacity for exercise

by Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca Biomèdica

A study coordinated by researchers at BCNatal-IDIBAPS, and published by the journal JAMA Cardiology, shows that people born with a low birth weight present differences in the structure and functioning...

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Identified key alteration in the genes involved in the development of Cornelia de Lange syndrome

by Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge

A study carried out at IDIBELL, led by a research group from IBV-CSIC, published in Nature Communications reveals the molecular bases of Cornelia de Lange syndrome, a rare disease that affects develop...

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Chromosome positioning during sperm differentiation described

by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)

A UAB research group has described the positioning of chromosomes during the formation of spermatozoa and has verified its relation with gene activity and the release of the paternal genome during fer...

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A hand-pick of latest VHIO research highlights aimed at the more precise diagnosis of familial breast and ovarian cancer


​The BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are crucial actors in the DNA damage response and repair pathway; a function that is critical in preserving the integrity of the genome. Mutations that meddle with the nor...

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Researchers identify new genes linked to longer reproductive lifespan in women

by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)

An international research co-led by UAB has identified nearly 300 gene variations that influence reproductive lifespan in women. Additionally, in mice, the researchers have successfully manipulated se...

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La exposición al humo de tabaco en las primeras etapas de la vida se asocia con una aceleración del envejecimiento biológico

by ISGlobal - Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona

Un nuevo estudio analiza la asociación entre más de 100 exposiciones ambientales y el ‘reloj epigenético’ de más de 1.000 niños y niñas en seis países europeos

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Relacionan la concentración de determinados metales en la placenta con el crecimiento fetal

by Hospital Sant Joan de Déu

Hemos querido ver si existe alguna relación entre la concentración de determinados metales y el crecimiento fetal y en un futuro poder establecer recomendaciones de salud pública ante la exposició...

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What we know about changes in menstruation after the covid vaccine

by Instituto de Investigación Biosanitaria - Ibs Granada

Seven out of ten women say they have had rule changes after vaccination, according to a preliminary survey of 14,000. Now, researchers from Granada will study their menstrual health to find out if the...

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Biomarcadores genéticos para estimar qué mujeres embarazadas están en riesgo a tener un parto prematuro

by Revista Genética Médica

Los investigadores plantean que el análisis de expresión de los genes circadianos CLOCK y CRY2 podría ser de ayuda para identificar a las mujeres embarazadas con mayor riesgo a tener un bebé prema...

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Smoking During Pregnancy May Impact Fetal Growth through Changes in Placental Gene Expression

by ISGlobal - Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona

A new study demonstrates links between maternal smoke, placental DNA methylation and poor birth outcomes

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WHO & Computer Aided Sperm Analysis


Computer aided sperm analysis is capable of measuring sperm parameters such as motility, morphology, vitality etc. quantitatively and accurately. The question is to what extent does WHO 4, 5 and 6 acc...

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