Biocat colabora en diversas medidas del Pacte Nacional per a la Indústria para potenciar la innovación en salud en Cataluña

by Biocat

El documento incluye cuatro iniciativas clave y específicas para la BioRegión de Cataluña con las que se pretende reforzar el peso del sector en la economía catalana y contribuir a la reindustrial...

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Are we ready to combat the pandemic and other emerging infections?

by Biocat

This coming November, Biocat and the ”la Caixa” Foundation are co-organizing a scientific event to debate the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic and the resources and infrastructures available to c...

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Queremos Saber VII: El paciente como motor de la innovación

by Parc Científic de Barcelona

Queremos Saber, el ciclo de ponencias de referencia en esclerosis múltiple de la Fundación GAEM y Biocat, ubicadas en el Parc Científic de Barcelona, llega a la séptima edición ampliando sus hori...

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Presentation of ‘2020 BioRegion Report - Challenges Ahead’

by Biocat

President of the Government of Catalonia Quim Torra will inaugurate the event, which will take place online on September 28, going over investment figures updated through September 2020

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Craash Barcelona | Regulatory Aspects for Medical Devices by Dominique Monferrer

by Asphalion

Dominique Monferrer, Asphalion’s Medical Devices Expert, was invited to give a talk on Regulatory Aspects for Medical Devices to participants of the 3rd edition of Craash Barcelona program organized...

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Biocat dará apoyo a los proyectos seleccionados en la convocatoria exprés de Covid-19 impulsada por Salud

by Biocat

Biocat, junto con la Dirección General de Investigación e Innovación en Salud (DGRIS), dará apoyo y acompañamiento a los 19 proyectos seleccionados en la convocatoria de urgencia convocada por el...

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Promising Strategies to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance Exist, but They Need to Reach the Market and the Patient

by ISGlobal - Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona

This is one of the conclusions of the B-Debate on antimicrobial resistance that was held in Barcelona from November 12 -14

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Biocat pone en contacto investigadores y ‘partners’ para acelerar proyectos de descubrimiento de fármacos

by Biocat

El evento ‘Here Comes Your Lead’ acoge en el PRBB más de 80 reuniones entre más de 70 participantes

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Una iniciativa de la comunidad RIS3CAT liderada por Biocat, escogida como referente en Europa

by Biocat

Un proyecto europeo describe el programa de prehabilitación del Hospital Clínic, impulsado por NEXTCARE, como ejemplo de buenas prácticas en el ámbito salud

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Catalan research in Nature and Cell, new investments and corporate operations, results from publicly traded companies

by Biocat

The month of November has been full of news from companies and research organizations in the BioRegion: remember, you can get them every day in your email by subscribing to our free press-clipping ser...

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Biocat launches a bibliometric report about scientific production in biomedicine made in the BioRegion

by Biocat

Biocat launches a new Bibliometric report which makes available to researchers and society statistics on scientific production in biomedicine carried out in the BioRegion of Catalonia in 2012-2016. Th...

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Albert Barberà, new director general for Research and Innovation in Health

by Biocat

Dr. Albert Barberà has been appointed the new director general for Research and Innovation in Health, replacing Dr. Antoni Andreu. Barberà, currently CEO of Biocat, holds a degree in Chemistry and P...

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