President of the Government of Catalonia Quim Torra will inaugurate the event, which will take place online on September 28, going over investment figures updated through September 2020
Los socios de CataloniaBio y HealthTech Cluster han aprobado la integración de ambas entidades en una única asociación bajo la marca CataloniaBio & HealthTech. La nueva asociación, con sede en el ...
La unión de las dos entidades permitirá potenciar los ejes estratégicos comunes como la cooperación empresarial y los modelos de negocio en digital health , el acceso a los mercados internacionale...
The initiative is organized by Banc Sabadell along with Biocat, CataloniaBio and the Bosch i Gimpera Foundation, and is geared towards two main profiles. On one hand, researchers with a scientific pro...
Scientists and entrepreneurs will meet in short partnering meetings to combine their experience and projects with the aim of building a balanced team to lead successful start-up in the life sciences.