Generation Solar para un futuro más sostenible

by UPF - Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Han pasado dos meses desde el lanzamiento de Generation Solar, la nueva aplicación deciencia ciudadana para un desarrollo más eficiente de la energía solar. Una aplicación multifacética que permi...

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A key tool for the future of Alzheimer’s disease research

by GENESIS Biomed

Doctor Juan Domingo Gispert and his team, from Barcelona Beta Brain Research Center, work in a tool to improve the selection of patients for Alzheimer’s prevention studies

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Cámaras que capturan la temperatura solo con el reconocimiento facial

by Bioga Clúster Tecnológico Empresarial Das Ciencias da Vida

La startup Creativigo diseña un dispositivo termográfico para controlar los accesos de lugares como el Parlamento de Galicia.

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Chemotargets one of the top-20 Spanish biotech companies to watch according to the technology magazine of the Financial Times

by IMIM - Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques

This month Sifted, the technology magazine of the Financial Times, has contacted various experts in the technology industry and in analyzing data on investments, has concluded that the Spanish entrepr...

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Mick pitch at Roche partner up for Innovation Summit

by Sequentia Biotech SL

Roche and the European Innovation Council organized the Roche partner up for Innovation Summit, which took place from June 23rd to June 25th.

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La Plataforma de Mercados Biotecnológicos ya tiene activa su nueva página web

by Asebio

Canales de comunicación estables, eficientes y multilaterales entre los distintos agentes del sistema ciencia-tecnología-empresa

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Asphalion attended the online session 'Improving Human Health Through Artificial Intelligence'

by Asphalion

Rainer Rothe, Scientific and Regulatory Affairs Officer at Asphalion, attended the online session “Improving Human Health Through Artificial Intelligence” organised by CataloniaBio & HealthTech in...

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¿Habrá medusas en la playa?

by Universitat Politècnica de València

MedusApp incorpora nuevas funcionalidades que benefician a bañistas, científicos, pescadores y socorristas

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La genética de vanguardia en Europa tiene sello lucense

by Bioga Clúster Tecnológico Empresarial Das Ciencias da Vida

Los nuevos equipos tecnológicos convierten a ICM en uno de los mayores «hubs» europeos de genotipado Con laboratorios en Lugo y Oporto, dan servicios de genética asistencial a hospitales de toda E...

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How PAT Tools can easily help in the daily pharmaceutical process control & monitoring challenges

by Telstar

What is the impact of leading-edge innovative developments on the process analytical technology field for pharmaceutical systems and aseptic manufacturing processes?

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Four projects led by the Parc Taulí Foundation, selected in the PADRIS call COVID-19

by Instituto de Investigación e Innovación Parc Taulí

The Catalan Agency for Health Quality and Evaluation (AQuAS), through the Data Analysis Program for Research and Innovation in Health (PADRIS), has activated a new urgent prioritization procedure for ...

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IDIVAL se suma a la red europea de intercambio de datos sanitarios EDHEN

by Instituto de Investigación Marqués de Valdecilla

IDIVAL se ha sumado a la red European Health Data & Evide​nce Network (EDHEN), una asociación público-privada dirigida a construir y armonizar con socios de toda Europa una red federada de datos a...

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