SOM Biotech announces poster presentation on the repurposing of Eravacycline for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2

by Som Biotech

SOM Biotech announces today that it will present in silico and in vitro results regarding Eravacycline for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 during a virtual poster presentation at the IDWeek 2020.

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Dr. Scott Boyer joins Chemotargets as new CEO

by GENESIS Biomed

With the new incorporation, the company consolidates its transition from a software business to an AI-driven biotech

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FoodTech: new trends in food technology and health

by GENESIS Biomed

GENESIS Biomed is actively working in food innovation projects focused on improving human’s health

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Asphalion joins Barcelona Health Hub to boost technological and digital innovation in the healthcare sector

by Asphalion

Aspha​lion has signed an agreement to be part of Barcelona Healt​h Hub (BHH), the international digital health institution aiming to promote innovation in digital health and its transfer to the se...

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El reto de los servicios sanitarios futuros: que el paciente vea los cambios 'como algo natural'

by EuroGalenus

La segunda mesa del II Foro de Comunicación Salud Digital ha debatido sobre la relevancia del dato clínico, la aplicación de la medicina colaborativa y el pragmatismo para que los pacientes accedan...

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Una nueva herramienta de inteligencia artificial ayudará a detectar si un hígado es útil para trasplantar

by Vall d’Hebron

Livercolor utiliza fotografías de los hígados para analizar la tonalidad del color amarillo y la textura del tejido, relacionadas con los niveles de grasa que pueden dañar el órgano y provocar que...

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Analyze This - Leveraging the analytical literature using SciFindern and MethodsNow

by CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society

Analytical techniques have become more advanced, allowing scientists to detect ever smaller quantities of impurities, contaminants, and other compounds in an expansive variety of matrices such as soil...

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Un estudio del CSIC identifica claves de la flexibilidad de la proteína que facilita el acceso del SARS-CoV-2 a las células

by CSIC - Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
  • 4 years ago

La flexibilidad de la proteína spike permite la conexión del coronavirus con la membrana de las células y la infección

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Predicción inteligente de crecimiento de vegetación

by IQS Institut Químic de Sarrià

La transmisión de energía eléctrica es altamente dependiente del uso de torres para el transporte de la energía desde las estaciones productoras hasta los usuarios finales. Alrededor de estas torr...

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QuantumCAT: Accelerating the application of quantum technologies

by Fundació Bosch i Gimpera

Quantum technologies, based on unique properties of quantum physics, offer unprecedented capabilities for modern applications of the society of information. Societies are getting ready for the irrupti...

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Medical Device Software Industry – Germany, pioneer in Healthcare App insured prescription

by Asphalion

By adopting the Digital Healthcare Act (DVG) (October 5th, 2019), Germany became a pioneer in Healthcare App insured prescription, marking one of the greatest milestones for the Medical Device Softwar...

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Open Innovation Test Bed to validate and up-scale new materials for tribological applications


Tekniker participates in the European project i-TRIBOMAT with the aim of developing the world’s first Open Innovation Test Bed dedicated to validating and up-scaling new materials in tribological ap...

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