Analizan en un solo ensayo el efecto de cientos de mutaciones sobre la función de una enzima

by Revista Genética Médica

​ Investigadores de la Universidad de Stanford han desarrollado un dispositivo que permite analizar de forma simultánea el efecto de cientos de mutaciones diferentes sobre una misma enzima. La h...

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Ysios Capital achieves Certification under the Diversity VC Standard

by Ysios Capital

Ysios Capital is the first specialized venture capital firm in life sciences globally and the first Spanish firm to achieve the Diversity VC Standard, an assessment and certification process that sets...

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CryoXpand technology* for the development of natural extracts in lipid -composite microspheres with enhanced dissolution properties

by SiTec PharmaBio

​Astaxanthin and curcumin are two of the most studied natural substances for their properties as potent antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. Because of their low solubility, poor stability and...

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The German specialty chemicals company Evonik acquires Spanish biotech firm Infinitec Activos

by Parc Científic de Barcelona

The German company Evonik -one of the world leaders in speciality chemicals- has acquired the biotechnology company Infinitec Activos, based in the Barcelona Science Park and focusing on the developme...

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'EntrevistaBiospain2021' Biospain es una gran iniciativa para poner en valor el talento español y encontrar sinergias que faciliten la colaboración

by Asebio

Hoy mismo comienza el evento de referencia internacional de la biotecnología española y para estrenar la semana, hemos querido hablar con Miguel Fernández Alcalde, director general de Merck en Espa...

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Algenex’ CrisBio® platform validated by EU and UK marketing authorization for CrisBio-based vaccine for Rabbit Viral Haemorrhagic Disease


​Algenex SL, a biotech company backed by Cleon Capital and Columbus Ventures delivering disruptive technologies for recombinant biologics production, and FATRO S.p.A, a leader in the field of veteri...

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Investigadores del VHIR desarrollan un chip para diagnosticar infecciones bacterianas crónicas

by Vall d’Hebron

El BiofilmChip es un dispositivo que permite un diagnóstico personalizado y preciso de estas patologías.

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Personalised medicine to beat pediatric leukemia

by IBEC - Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya

IBEC researchers have used a state-of-the-art analysis technique to evaluate new drug combinations to successfully treat acute lymphoblastic leukemia. This study brings personalised medicine closer to...

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Progress in the maturity of the start-ups: the clinical phases

by GENESIS Biomed

The start-ups Oxolife, Peptomyc and aptaTargets, with which GENESIS Biomed collaborates, are advancing in their maturity with the initiation and development of clinical phases and are approaching an e...

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Miguel Holgado explica el funcionamiento del kit de diagnóstico precoz de COVID desarrollado por la UPM y el IDISSC y la UPM

by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

El investigador del IDISSC y la UPM, Miguel Holgado detalla en esta entrevista el funcionamiento del nuevo método desarrollado por ambas instituciones y explica sus potencialidades de cara a afrontar...

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CRG publishes findings of its first public dialogue with Spanish civil society

by Centre for Genomic Regulation

​The Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) has today published the findings of a report exploring the in-depth views of civil society, funders, journalists, policymakers and other key collaborators in...

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