Cell movement under pressure

by UPF - Universitat Pompeu Fabra

An international team of scientists has defined molecular mechanism that drives cell movement in extremely cramped environments through which the cells usually travel.

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Investigadores del Instituto de Química Avanzada de Cataluña, proponen usar ‘jaulas’ moleculares para destruir células cancerosas de forma selectiva

by Institute for Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC-CSIC)

Un estudio liderado por científicos del​ Instituto de Química Avanzada de Cataluña (IQAC) ​Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) ha propuesto el uso de ‘jaulas’ moleculare...

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Máster Universitario en Biotecnología Azul Aplicada

by Universidad Católica de Valencia
  • 6 years ago

El objetivo general del programa de Máster en Biotecnología Azul Aplicada es proporcionar conocimientos y habilidades profesionales para el aprovechamiento de los recursos acuáticos para el desarro...

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AB inBev and BDI biotech have obtained B-glucans, having started from a byproduct of beer

by BDI biotech

BDi biotech has developed, during the second semester of 2018, a process for the extraction of β-glucan from the brewer’s spent yeast. β-glucans are a type of fiber with interesting physico-chemic...

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150 years of love

by Galchimia

You may already know, 2019 is the International Year of the Periodic Table, an initiative by the IUPAC with support from the UNESCO. It commemorates 1869, the year Dmitry Mendeleev published his formu...

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Aumentar farmacológicamente la expresión del gen KCC2 muestra efectos terapéuticos en modelos de síndrome de Rett

by Revista Genética Médica

Un estudio liderado por investigadores del Instituto Whitehead ha identificado diferentes moléculas que aumentan la expresión del gen KCC2 y muestran efectos terapéuticos en modelos celulares y rat...

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OncoDNA, a pioneering study demonstrates an impact of molecular profiling on the evolution of cancer

by OncoDNA

OncoDNA, a company which specialises in precision medicine for the treatment and diagnosis of cancer, has participated in a pioneering study on the usefulness and impact of molecular profiling in canc...

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Criomicroscopía electrónica al rescate: estudiando la maquinaria intracelular que cuida de nuestro ADN y nos protege del cáncer

by Fundació Bancària 'la Caixa'

En este post del blog CaixaCiencia hemos invitado a los investigadores Rafael Fernández-Leiro y Óscar Llorca, del Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas (CNIO), para que nos expliquen uno d...

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Vall d’Hebron lidera un importante estudio multicéntrico para reducir el daño causado por un infarto

by Vall d’Hebron

Vall d’Hebron ha liderado un estudio multicéntrico para tratar de reducir el tamaño del infarto, es decir, el daño causado por este tipo de accidente vascular. La estrategia de inducir isquemia h...

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Environmental Exposures During Pregnancy and Childhood Could Affect Blood Pressure in Children

by ISGlobal - Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona

Exposome study evaluates associations between more than 200 environmental exposures and blood pressure in children

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Researchers at IBEC develop a bioengineering platform to detect pro-inflammatory molecules in muscular disorders

by IBEC - Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya

The Biosensors for bioengineering group led by Javier Ramón has developed a sensing platform for the in-situ detection of tissue-secreted pro-inflammatory molecules, the so-called cytokines. This new...

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