Microptic, new member of LABMAS


Microptic, as a world leading Spanish comp​any in the field of semen analysis, just joined the association LABMAS (Laboratory Equipment Manufacturers Association of Spain),

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Sartorius to acquire Novasep’s chromatography process equipment division

by Sartorius Stedim Spain

The life science company Sartorius today announced it has entered into an agreement through its subgroup Sartorius Stedim Biotech to acquire the chromatography process equipment division of Novasep.

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Pall Corporation Invests $114M to Expand Global Production Capacity

by Pall Biotech

Pall Corporation expands production capacity in the United States and Europe to support industry demand

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Las biotecnológicas de Santiago de Compostela y su entorno ya facturan 50 millones al año

by Bioga Clúster Tecnológico Empresarial Das Ciencias da Vida

El sector biotecnológico cuenta con 38 empresas en Santiago y otros cinco municipios del área metropolitana que en el último año emplearon a 250 profesionales y facturaron 50 millones de euros.

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Key factors for post-COVID reactivation are the recycling of materials, greater durability and enhanced energy efficiency


The European Commission has released a paper on the role to be played by materials in a post-COVID society that has been written by the European Platform for Advanced Engineering Materials and Technol...

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Challenges in manufacturing high value lyophilized oncology drugs

by Telstar

A complete integrated freeze-drying system designed for high value anticancer products consisting of a reduced foot-print freeze dryer with an innovative loading/unloading system, integrating a steam-...

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Almirall and Tyris Therapeutics join forces to develop gene therapies

by CataloniaBio

Pharmaceutical company Almirall, a CataloniaBio & HealthTech member, and biotechnology firm Tyris Therapeutics have announced a new alliance to develop non-viral gene therapies to treat minority derma...

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Microscopy – part 4: Are microscope settings and stain selection really important in sperm quality assessment?


How good are you at using your routine or research microscope in the lab or in the Andrology setting? If you cannot immediately answer the following three questions, then you are not using the microsc...

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High Potency APIs

by Albian Group

Advances in clinical pharmacology and cancer research are fueling the rise of high potency active pharmaceutical ingredients (HPAPIs).

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Sartorius closes 2020 with strong growth to well over 2 billion euros and a further increase in profitability

by Sartorius Stedim Spain

The life science group Sartorius recorded high growth according to preliminary figures in 2020 due to strong organic development, several acquisitions and the additional momentum from business related...

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Biotecnología Taiwán: Misión directa virtual

by Bioga Clúster Tecnológico Empresarial Das Ciencias da Vida

ICEX y la Cámara de Comercio de España en Taipei, organiza una misión directa por videoconferencia, abierta a empresas biotecnológicas que tengan interés en encontrar potenciales clientes, socios...

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Nanomol Technologies receives Crédit d’Impôt Recherche (CIR) accreditation by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research

by Nanomol Technologies

The French Ministry of Higher Education and Research has recently awarded the so-called CIR accreditation (Crédit d’Impôt Recherche) to Nanomol Technologies for the years 2020, 2021 and 2022.

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