La start-up biotecnológica gallega Origo Biopharma ha sido adquirida por el grupo biotecnológico belga Agomab Therapeutics

by Bioga Clúster Tecnológico Empresarial Das Ciencias da Vida

Origo Biopharma, con sede en el Parque Empresarial de Touro (Galicia), es una biotec fundada en 2017 por Julio Castro y GalChimia, dirigida por Ramon Bosser, CEO y accionista de la compañía. La comp...

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Anticuerpos monoclonales, placas fotovoltaicas y nanomateriales para el espacio y la medicina, entre las nuevas empresas tecnológicas del CSIC

by CSIC - Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

Cinco compañías de la institución obtienen un millón y medio de euros del programa Neotec para desarrollar aplicaciones en biotecnología, energía solar y navegación aeroespacial

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Artificial intelligence to improve care for critically ill patients with mechanical ventilation

by Instituto de Investigación e Innovación Parc Taulí

I3PT will be part of the European consortium INTELLILUNG, which develops and clinically validates a decision support system based on artificial intelligence to optimize mechanical ventilation and impr...

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Alma Medical announces the signing of a strategic collaboration with Oxipit for the distribution of automatic technology for global medical imaging

by Alma Medical Imaging

Alma Medical has signed a collaboration agreement with the company Oxipit, from Lithuania, with the aim of incorporating its advanced algorithm for performing preliminary reports for chest X-ray image...

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A novel and clinically validated optical biosensor enables rapid and quantitative serological testing of COVID-19

by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)

An innovative nano-biosensor for fast, quantitative and accurate COVID-19 serology, which achieves the high reliability of specialised laboratory analysis with the short times and simplicity of rapid ...

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Unique resonance technology in Spain to study cellular metabolism, hosted by IBEC

by IBEC - Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya

A Dynamic Nuclear Polarisation (DNP) Polariser for Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) has been recently installed at IBEC, being the only one in operation in Spain, and among the few ones existing in Eu...

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Nimble Diagnostics, a new UB, IGTP and UPC spin-off, is founded to monitor stents using microwave technology

by Fundació Bosch i Gimpera

The Nimble system allows possible cardiac problems to be identified before it is too late and in a completely non-invasive way, which is also fast and easy to use. This makes it possible to apply earl...

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Herramientas de ortopedia para la colocación de prótesis

by Alma Medical Imaging

La tecnología médica y las herramientas de ortopedia se han convertido en fundamentales dentro de esta especialidad médica, para los profesionales sanitarios, para el propio paciente e incluso para...

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Innovative bioengineered spheres might help treating diabetes

by IBEC - Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya

Researchers from IBEC, in collaboration with IDIBAPS in Barcelona, have developed nontoxic small spheres able to respond to variations in glucose levels, and producing insulin in vitro. These biomimet...

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ICF Capital Expansió II pumps €2.5 million into TECNIC Bioprocess

by Professional Newco

The ICF Capital Expansió II fund has injected €2.5 million into Girona-based TECNIC Bioprocess Equipment Manufacturing which specialises in developing equipment for biotech processes. The transacti...

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Helping Switchgear manufacturing companies move towards SF6 free technology

by Telstar

SF6 free technology is becoming increasingly important for the Switchgear Manufacturing Industry to play a role in the fight against climate change. Transition into other insulating gases is a challen...

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Emili Pablos and Jordi Puig have been appointed as joint Managing Directors of Azbil Telstar

by Telstar

Azbil Telstar has announced the appointment of Emili Pablos and Jordi Puig as Managing Directors of the company. Together with Jochen Dick, who will keep leading the company as Chief Executive Officer...

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