AGC Pharma Chemicals y AbilityPharma trabajan juntos en la producción de un tratamiento innovador para el cáncer de páncreas

by AbilityPharma

Con este acuerdo, la biofarmacéutica española AbilityPharma inicia la fabricación de su fármaco principal ABTL0812 para administrar a pacientes con cáncer de páncreas en el marco del ensayo clí...

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What is Open Innovation in pharmaceutical R&D?

by GENESIS Biomed

The core idea of Open innovation is that companies leverage the ideas and resources of external actors such as customers, suppliers, universities, start-ups, etc.

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ORYZON renueva su compromiso con la Alianza para la Vacunación Infantil

by Oryzon Genomics
  • 7 months ago

Oryzon suma su apoyo a la lucha contra la mortalidad infantil y contribuye al ODS 3 relativo a salud y bienestar promovido por las Naciones Unidas

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Strategic Alliances: Partnering for Success in the Global Pharma Market

by Laboratorios Rubió, S.A.

Strategic alliances are crucial for success in the global pharma market. By forming partnerships, companies can access complementary capabilities, share risks, enhance market access, and leverage shar...

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Development of a new pediatric treatment for insomnia

by Laboratorios Rubió, S.A.

Products & Technology, a Rubió Group company, has undertaken research and development (R&D) to create a medication aimed at treating insomnia in children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder...

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New bioink to mimic human skin constructs using 3D bioprinting

by IBEC - Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya

Researchers at IBEC has just published a work describing a new bioink designed for engineering human skin constructs using norbornene-pullulan-based hydrogels.

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Peaches Biotech crea su propia fábrica para producir sus terapias avanzadas

by Peaches Biotech

Esta alianza se fundamenta en la especificidad del producto ya que se trata de un secretoma selectivo, un producto nuevo a nivel industrial para el que no hay todavía plantas en España para su fabri...

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ORYZON reports financial results and corporate update for half-year ending June 30, 2024

by Oryzon Genomics

R&D investments of € 4.6 million were made, of which € 4.2 million in development and € 0.4 million in research. Following the completion of the PORTICO clinical trial, the R&D investment intens...

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El CSIC y la UPV desarrollan un novedoso método de síntesis de zeolitas con gran potencial para la industria farmacéutica

by CSIC - Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

El Instituto de Tecnología Química sintetiza por primera vez una zeolita enantiomórficamente pura, un material clave en la industria química para la producción selectiva de productos farmacéutic...

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Mechanisms of action of lithium in bipolar disorder and other neurological diseases reviewed

by Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca Biomèdica

Researchers at the Clínic-IDIBAPS have prepared a review article on the biology, mechanism of action, pharmacology and toxicology of lithium.

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ORYZON to provide corporate progress updates at several events in September

by Oryzon Genomics

Oryzon Genomics announced today that its management will give an update on corporate progress at several international events in September.

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ORYZON continues to strengthen its patent portfolio for vafidemstat with additional 'Decision to grant' communications

by Oryzon Genomics

Oryzon Genomics, S.A. announced today that it has received additional “Decision to grant” communications for important patents relating vafidemstat, Oryzon’s LSD1 inhibitor in clinical developme...

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