Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech, the spin-off of UB, BSC and IFAE, pioneers quantum computing in Europe

by Fundació Bosch i Gimpera

Quantum computing is a new technology with great transformative potential that is coming into our lives faster than we anticipated and, in less than a decade, it might completely transform the way in ...

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SciFindern la nueva generación de inteligencia biológica

by CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society

​A medida que la química y la biología se vuelven cada vez más interdisciplinarias, la localización efectiva de la información biológica relevante es esencial para su éxito. Deje que nuestros...

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How to Maximize the Strategic Value of Formulations Data in Pharma

by CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society

Formulating, a key part of the pharmaceutical value chain, is a ‘make or break’ step in developing an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) into a viable product. Formulators actively research, d...

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Assessment of a pharmaceutical laboratory to meet the requirements of the new Annex 1

by Telstar

As a result of the changes introduced by EU GMP Annex 1 on the Manufacture of Sterile Medicines and despite the fact that it has not yet been finally approved as of today, some pharmaceutical laborato...

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Paran el ensayo de la vacuna contra la COVID-19 de Oxford por una posible reacción adversa en un participante

by Fundación Andaluza para la Divulgación de la Innovación y el Conocimiento

Las pruebas de fase III de una de las candidatas de vacuna más avanzadas han sido interrumpidas por la enfermedad de uno de los voluntarios. Expertos consultados por SINC confirman que es motivo para...

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IV Convocatoria del Programa Chemostart de Insud Pharma

by Bioga Clúster Tecnológico Empresarial Das Ciencias da Vida

ChemoStart es un programa global que brinda apoyo a empresas nuevas y empresas que diseñan proyectos innovadores en el campo de la salud y la atención médica.

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Marta Barrachina: 'I am confident that there will be advances in Alzheimer’s in the short term'

by GENESIS Biomed

Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, 2020 has been a great year for ADmit Therapeutics, a spin-off from Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBELL, in Barcelona) born at the end of 2017 and leaded by ...

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Natac presents its new innovative product: Endolive

by Natac Group

Natac Ingredients has been working satisfactorily in the development of a new innovative product. A clinically proven olive extract that helps to reduce the main cardiovascular risk factors due to an ...

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Presentation of ‘2020 BioRegion Report - Challenges Ahead’

by Biocat

President of the Government of Catalonia Quim Torra will inaugurate the event, which will take place online on September 28, going over investment figures updated through September 2020

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OWL presenta una nueva solución de diagnóstico no invasivo para pacientes con riesgo de sufrir enfermedades hepáticas graves

by OWL Metabolomics

La compañía biotecnológica vasca OWL ha creado una solución de diagnóstico no invasiva que permite identificar a los pacientes con esteatohepatitis no alcohólica (NASH), una dolencia hepática d...

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LAVA Therapeutics Announces $83 million Series C Financing to Advance Novel Immuno-Oncology Programs

by Ysios Capital

LAVA Therapeutics, a biotech company pioneering the development of bispecific antibodies to engage gamma-delta T cells for cancer therapies, today announced the closing of an oversubscribed $83 millio...

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Vall d’Hebron mejora la atención a los pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca con una aplicación

by Vall d’Hebron

La app ha sido distinguida con un accésit a los Premios Novartis IESE a la Excelencia Operativa en Gestión Sanitaria 2020.

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