IBEC researchers contribute to an international study to regenerate infarcted hearts

by IBEC - Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya

Within the EU project BRAVƎ, experts at Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC) combine cell therapy and bioengineering to design a biological device that recovers cardiac functionality in p...

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Bleb resolution time following subretinal injections of a cell therapy appears sensitive to formulation osmolarity

by BMF Barcelona Macula Foundation: Research for Vision

A scientific paper setting out the results of a clinical trial that assesses bleb resolution time following subretinal injections of human retinal progenitor cells (hRPC) in terms of their osmolarity ...

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Membrane receptors do not act alone

by Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CNB)

A study shows that the CXCR4 chemokine receptors form aggregates in the cell membrane to be activated and carry out their function. This aggregation process is regulated by the presence of a ligand, b...

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Células de pacientes infartados pueden regenerar su propio tejido cardíaco dañado

by ABC

Científicos españoles transforman células destinadas a convertirse en vasos sanguíneos en músculo cardiaco y comprueban su efecto reparador comparable a las de cordón umbilical.

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Reprograman células intestinales para producir insulina y tratar la diabetes

by Professional Newco

Una investigación abre la puerta para diseñar un fármaco que desactive el gen FOXO1 y así reprogramar las células del paciente.

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Expertos aseguran que la terapia celular cambiará muchos tratamientos

by Secuvita

Los nuevos avances médicos han llegado a poder inducir la reprogramación de células somáticas del organismo, es decir, transformar una célula madre adulta completamente diferenciada en una célul...

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