A clinical trial led by the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital has demonstrated the efficacy of the sFIt-1/*PIGF marker in detecting the majority of false positives in the high-risk preeclampsia test. ...
Read moreEl Cima lidera un estudio internacional que ha generado modelos preclÃnicos que imitan el desarrollo y evolución de este cáncer de la sangre en los pacientes. Este avance permitirá diseñar terapi...
Read moreUn trabajo que compara el uso de dos fármacos para el tratamiento de la esclerosis múltiple mediante lo que han denominado experimento natural, que abre las puertas a una nueva metodologÃa de inves...
Read moreEl ensayo clÃnico multicéntrico ELISPOT-TC pretende evaluar la eficacia de una estrategia preventiva para hacer frente a la infección por citomegalovirus en pacientes trasplantados cardÃacos. Esta...
Read moreGeSIDA presents an update of its recommendations document on PrEP and suggests to facilitate prophylaxis to anyone who can benefit from it and to make its therapeutic follow-up more flexible
Read moreThe research, under the leadership of Dr. Àngels GarcÃa-Cazorla at the Institut de Recerca Sant Joan de Déu, has demonstrated that early identification of this disease is possible through the stand...
Read moreEl Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla (HUMV) se convertirá en un centro de referencia de la zona norte de España en el tratamiento con sistema robotizado de pacientes con lesiones neurolÃ...
Read moreExtraer células madre del propio paciente, procesarlas y volver a administrarlas en la sangre que va al cerebro es un tratamiento que reduce las secuelas del ictus, que pueden ir desde la pérdida de...
Read moreSome examples of classic nominal variables in clinical trials are the randomization group, sex, diagnosis, type of treatment, hospital where the patients were recruited, whether a certain medical test...
Read moreThe Vall d'Hebron work has shown that people vaccinated with Pfizer or Moderna have specific memory T lymphocytes against SARS-CoV-2 in the lung months after vaccination.
Read moreA study published in Clinical Infectious Diseases has shown that therapy with bacteriophage viruses or phages to treat infections caused by multidrug-resistant bacteria is safe, and is effective in mo...
Read moreVall d’Hebron University Hospital achieves a double milestone in the field of lung transplants. For the first time ever, a lung has been transplanted using a minimally invasive technique that entail...
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