There is still no treatment for Stargardt’s disease, which mainly affects young people. However, the research is highly intensive and encouraging
Read moreLa pasada semana, el jefe de grupo del CIBER-BBN, Jesús Santamaría participó en una entrevista en Aragón TV para explicar su trabajo de investigación para el tratamiento de cáncer “desde de...
Read moreUna investigación de la Universidad de Salamanca supone una aportación relevante para desarrollar tratamientos aprovechando el metabolismo de las células cancerígenas
Read moreScientists led by Andreas Meyerhans and Gennady Bocharov have designed a mathematical model to predict the response of HIV-infected individuals to a type of cancer immunotherapy.
Read moreLa European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) es una iniciativa europea creada para financiar la colaboración en redes de investigación internacionales. Estas redes ofrecen un espacio ab...
Read moreLos últimos trabajos científicos en torno a las células madre nos dejan avances muy significativos. Desde su uso para el tratamiento de los accidentes cerebrovasculares isquémicos, hasta la constr...
Read moreEn los últimos años, se ha desarrollado una potente tecnología, llamada CRISPR-Cas9, para poder modificar el genoma de un organismo.
Read moreLa investigación del tratamiento con células madre del cordón umbilical para pacientes adultos con accidente cerebrovascular está demostrando un enorme potencial. Entre enero de 2018 y julio de 20...
Read moreLiving implies change. This is what happens to the cells of our bodies as we grow older: they accumulate genetic alterations, most of which are harmless.
Read moreA picture of the future in which people live for more than a hundred years in good health, the worst diseases are avoided by gene editing in embryos, and organs for transplantation are grown in organ ...
Read moreWhen you hear the word ‘immunotherapy’, the first thing that comes to mind is that it is a highly effective treatment for cancer. But could it also be the solution or hope for other conditions?
Read moreNivolumab, an immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) targeting the programmed death-1 (PD-1) pathway, is approved for metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma (ccRCC)
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