The combination of two immunomodulatory drugs could be beneficial for more severe Covid-19 patients

by Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge

A total of 44 researchers from the Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute (IDIBEL​L) and Bellvitge University Hospital (HU​B) sign an article in the International Journal of Infect​ious Disease...

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Who Should be Vaccinated First? A Multidisciplinary Group of Experts Proposes a COVID-19 Vaccination Strategy

by ISGlobal - Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona

The report proposes to start by vaccinating those most exposed: healthcare workers in contact with patients, and people working in nursing homes

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Histocell present at the 30th edition of EWMA 2020 VIRTUAL

by Histocell Regenerative Medicine

The annual meeting of the European Wound Management Association (EWMA) held between the 18TH and the 19TH of November 2020 has, like every year, various speakers and experts in the area of sciences, m...

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Investigadores y profesionales sanitarios estudiarán una posible terapia para la diabetes tipo 1

by Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Macarena

Investigadores de la Fundación Progreso y Salud y profesionales sanitarios del Hospital Virgen Macarena y el Nodo Provincial de Sevilla del Biobanco del Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía han s...

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Today is World AIDS Day – Thanks to everyone working to end AIDS!

by Asphalion

Today is World AIDS Day and we would like to take this opportunity to increase the awareness on this disease and to thank everyone working tirelessly to end AIDS.

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Sintetizados nuevos compuestos con actividad antiinflamatoria

by Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Un equipo de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) ha descrito una serie de compuestos derivados de especies naturales andinas que abren el camino al desarrollo de nuevos fármacos antiinflamatorio...

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El síndrome de burnout

by Labo'Life

Agendas repletas de compromisos profesionales y personales, conciliar la vida profesional y familiar, vivir de la forma más saludable posible… el estrés y la presión, en todas sus formas, son par...

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Esperanza Regueras: 'Evitar la cronificación del dolor es fundamental para prevenir daños económicos'

by Axis Pharma, S.L.

El dolor crónico en España afecta a cerca del 18% de la población y, en el 12% de casos, se considera la intensidad del dolor entre moderada e intensa. Además, el coste económico que supone es de...

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An international study co-led by IBEC identifies the genes that protect against kidney diseases

by IBEC - Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya

Researchers from the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia (IBEC), led by Dr. Nuria Montserrat, in collaboration with international researchers, have identified the genes that could protect the ki...

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Proyecto Precipita: 'Plántale cara a las enfermedades respiratorias: Respira vida'

by Revista Genética Médica

Las enfermedades respiratorias afectan a cientos de millones de personas representando la principal causa de muerte y discapacidad en el mundo.

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Esclerosis Múltiple: 'La enfermedad de las mil caras' Por Sandra Gómez Nograro, Strategic Consultant de Axis Pharma

by Axis Pharma, S.L.

La Esclerosis Múltiple es una enfermedad neurodegenerativa que se caracteriza por la alteración multifocal y recurrente del Sistema Nervioso Centra (SNC), con una evolución crónica y variable a lo...

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Covid-19 drives innovation and makes healthcare investment spike

by Biocat

Covid-19 pandemic has boosted cutting-edge research and innovation, reaching a record investment for companies in the BioRegion

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