Identifican una posible diana para combatir la pérdida de masa muscular

by Parc Científic de Barcelona

Barcelona. 10-04-2014 La pérdida patológica de masa muscular es un grave problema biomédico que no tiene tratamiento adecuado. Los principales afectados son las personas mayores diagnos...

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Mice in Space

by Novartis
  • 11 years ago

Developed at Novartis, a strain of mice that are resistant to muscle loss will journey to the International Space Station

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Un hombre paralizado vuelve a caminar tras un trasplante de células olfativas en su columna

by Agencia Sinc
  • 10 years ago

Las células de glía envolvente olfativas son las únicas en las que las fibras nerviosas continúan creciendo durante la edad adulta

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The project 'Global Tele Rehabilitation System' improves the mobility of patients after a stroke

by Vall d’Hebron

The projetc has developed a solution for patients after suffering a stroke that allows them to do the rehabilitation at home under the control of a medical team

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El retraso en el tratamiento de la esclerosis múltiple puede ser de dos años

by Secuvita

El retraso medio en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la esclerosis múltiple es de entre uno y dos años, según la Sociedad Española de Neurología (SEN), que calcula que en España la sufren unas 4...

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VHIR participates in two studies that could change the surgical protocols of hip fractures in the elderly

by Vall d’Hebron

According to Dr. García-Fontecha, “both studies could mark a milestone for the orthopedics community, because they will probably change the treatment of fragile old people with comorbidities that s...

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The UB licenses a patent to the spin-off SM Genomics to evaluate the predisposition to get injured

by Universitat de Barcelona

By analysing the gen HGF, the company will develop a procedure to evaluate sportsmen’s predisposition to suffer a muscular injury, estimate how much time they need to recover from it and measure inj...

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SM Genomics will make available to the amateur athlete a genetic test which assesses susceptibility to injury

by Parc Científic de Barcelona

Starting from the patented technology, the biotech has developed the Genetic Injury Report (GIR) a complete medical-genetic assessment that allows to estimate the predisposition of the professional at...

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Therapeutic target identified for treatment of spinal cord injuries

by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)

UAB researchers have identified a therapeutic target for the treatment of acute spinal cord injuries. According to this research, published in the Journal of Neuroscience, the administration of a drug...

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Minimally invasive implants based on passive electronics for selective electrical stimulation

by UPF - Universitat Pompeu Fabra

The study published by Becerra-Fajardo and Ivorra in PLoS One presents a prototype of the addressable electronics (not yet implantable; 5 cm x 5 cm) that, sufficiently miniaturized, will fit inside fu...

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La Fundació FC Barcelona, la Fundación Leitat y Bioibérica se unen para investigar las lesiones deportivas más frecuentes

by Leitat Technological Center

El objetivo es investigar las lesiones deportivas más frecuentes, concretamente las de músculo, tendón y ligamentos, para poder prevenirlas, buscar nuevos tratamientos y conseguir acortar el tiempo...

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La terapia ecuestre es efectiva en niños con retraso psicomotor

by Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Montar a caballo con la ayuda de un terapeuta mejora diferentes cualidades motoras de niños con retraso psicomotor, según un estudio en el que participa la Universidad Complutense de ...

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