Los medios de comunicación de Córdoba, imagen de la campaña frente al cáncer de próstata

by Instituto Maimónides de Investigación Biomédica de Córdoba (IMIBIC)

Las revisiones rutinarias que se realizan en atención primaria ayudan al diagnóstico precoz de la enfermedad, que permitirá emprender acciones para lograr su curación.

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Una prometedora diana para las células CAR-T ayuda al cáncer a engañar al sistema inmunitario

by Revista Genética Médica

Científicos del St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital han demostrado que GRP78 es una diana prometedora pero compleja para la inmunoterapia con células CAR-T contra tumores cerebrales y sólidos. ...

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ALLOX, a new Centre for Genomic Regulation spin-off, is launched with the support of Asabys

by Asabys Partners

ALLOX, a techbio company developing a proprietary technology to design new drugs targeting allosteric sites within oncology and other diseases, announces its incorporation today, as well as the succes...

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Researchers from CIC bioGUNE develop a strategy capable of identifying the cellular components on which the E3 ubiquitin ligase enzymes act

by CIC bioGUNE

It has beed used innovative strategies to redirect cellular degradation and thus eliminate proteins that cause various diseases.

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Hard to drug: Protein droplets reveal new ways to inhibit transcription factors in an aggressive form of prostate cancer

by IRB Barcelona - Instituto de Investigación Biomédica

An international team of researchers from the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB Barcelona), the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics (MPIMG), BC Cancer (University of British Columbia)...

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IBEC engages in two public-private partnerships for biomedical breakthroughs

by IBEC - Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya

Initiatives seek to advance remote health monitoring, create an oral drug for Inflammatory Bowel Disease, and enhance 13C magnetic resonance imaging for therapeutic research. Leveraging cutting-edge t...

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Una terapia combinada resulta eficaz en el tratamiento del linfoma B agresivo en ratones

by Agencia Sinc

Una investigación liderada por investigadores de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) y del Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria i+12 demuestra la efectividad de una nueva terapia combinada ba...

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El ácido oleico protege frente a la muerte celular provocada por niveles tóxicos de hierro

by Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla - IBIS

Se ha encontrado que el ingrediente más abundante del aceite de oliva, el ácido oleico, protege frente a la muerte celular provocada por niveles tóxicos de hierro.

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Inbiomotion and The Scientific Group sign an exclusive distribution agreement of MAF Test® for the Sub-Saharan Africa

by Ysios Capital

This pioneering test aids oncologists in predicting recurrence and survival rates in breast cancer patients and potential treatment eligibility to bisphosphonates

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Innovation in Mental Health

by GENESIS Biomed

Innovation has enabled breakthroughs such as recent drugs for Alzheimer’s disease, the use of devices that stimulate brain function for the treatment of certain pathologies or Virtual Reality for po...

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Study identifies strategy to avoid resistance to cancer therapy

by Vall d’Hebron

A team from Vall d'Hebron Research Institute (VHIR) and the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) highlights the ERK5 protein as a key factor in the resistance to cancer drugs.

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Cómo se regulan los genes de la retina durante el desarrollo

by Revista Genética Médica

El mapa topológico del genoma del desarrollo de la retina humana sienta las bases para comprender diversos fenotipos clínicos en enfermedades oculares simples y complejas.

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