Nueva diana farmacológica para el tratamiento del Parkinson

by Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Un equipo español ha demostrado que la inhibición de la proteína PDE7 no sólo actúa como neuroprotector y anti-inflamatorio sino que también podría suponer un método eficaz para reemplazar la ...

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Liquid biopsy identifies mutations in colorectal cancer that go undetected in tissue biopsy

by Vall d’Hebron

The CORRECT study, published ahead of print online today in The Lancet Oncology, is one of the largest trials to date comparing data provided by liquid versus tissue biopsy in metastatic colorectal ca...

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La arquitectura molecular de los procesos de fisión celular al descubierto

by Universidad del País Vasco

Lo novedoso del estudio es que por primera vez se ha probado experimentalmente la existencia de una secuencia definida de estructuras intermedias de la membrana durante la escisión, secuencia antes s...

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Defective telomeres are now being linked to dozens of diseases

by CNIO - Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas

Two CNIO researchers have published a detailed review on what is known today about the structures that protect the ends of chromosomes. Telomeres are key elements in ageing and cancer and much more co...

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Researchers discover of a peptide that inhibits tumor progression in breast cancer

by IBEC - Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya

The peptide has powerful properties R3178-210 as suppressor tumor and also is a new tool for the development of new potent and specific antitumor drugs

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Starts the clinical trial of a pioneering therapy for treating Multiple Sclerosis

by Parc Científic de Barcelona

The clinical trial will be conducted July through December 2015 in 12 patients with multiple sclerosis. Subsequently trials will take place in Europe, and waiting inmid-2018 to get to the clinic if th...

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Mutations in the dark side of the genome cause leukemia

by Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca Biomèdica

Dr. Lopez-Otin comments: “The most relevant finding of this study has been the identification of mutations in regions of the genome which do not code for proteins and whose functional relevance is s...

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Nuevo biomarcador para la enfermedad de Alzheimer

by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Un método desarrollado por investigadores del CTB-UPM y del Hospital Ramón y Cajal permite el diagnóstico precoz de la enfermedad de Alzheimer con técnicas no invasivas.

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A protein conserved from bacteria to human protects against heat stroke

by IBEC - Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya

It is expected that this work will lay the foundation for new research to deepen the relationship of this protein metabolism, diet, and the ability to survive at high temperatures

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Consiguen reprogramar el envejecimiento en ratones y en células humanas

by Universidad de Oviedo

Los investigadores han optimizado estrategias de reprogramación celular hasta conseguir el rejuvenecimiento de células con envejecimiento extremo normal y patológico

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Researchers discover an anti-tumor gene loss in cancer of small cell lung

by IBEC - Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya

"Our cells have two copies of each gene. And we discovered that 10% of tumors of small cell lung loses both copies of an anti-cancer gene called KAT6B" says Manel Esteller, director of the study

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Described the key role of a protein in blood vessel formation

by IBEC - Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya

Studying the physiology of angiogenesis allows us to better understand diseases in which there is an aberrant growth of blood vessels, such as cancer, and to find better therapeutic approaches

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