Sustainable agriculture, new food sources, protection against infectious diseases or waste reuse: this is how biotechnology contributes to the sustainability of the planet

by Asebio

Biotechnology provides solutions through plant genetic engineering, the revaluation of food industry by-products, new food sources and biofuels, among others.

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Blockade of a clotting protein during stroke process reduces brain damage in experimental models

by CIMA - Centro de Investigación Médica Aplicada

Researchers at the Cima University of Navarra confirm for the first time that FXIII increases clot density and resistance to current treatments in thrombi of stroke patients

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Un estudio del ICO y el IDIBGI identifica una nueva diana en la lucha contra el cáncer metastático

by ICO - Institut Català d'Oncologia

La silibinina, una molécula natural procedente del cardo mariano, bloquea una proteína clave en la metástasis del cáncer que hasta ahora se había resistido a la manipulación terapéutica.

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New step in understanding the influence of genes on cancer risk

by IDIBELL - Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge

Certain variations in our DNA, which had previously gone unnoticed, can have a significant impact on the development of cancer.

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Stressful events in midlife might be a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease in older ages

by ISGlobal - Instituto de Salud Global de Barcelona

Stressful childhood experiences are associated with neuroinflammatory processes linked to Alzheimer's disease later in life

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Antibodies for immunohistochemistry: the analysis of a validated reference

by Abyntek

Abyntek Biopharma carries out an analysis of validated reagents for immunohistochemistry, where antibodies with the highest standards of quality and specificity stand out.

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Identifican una mutación que altera la progresión de la enfermedad de Alzheimer

by Revista Genética Médica

El trabajo, que ha sido publicado en la revista Journal of Alzheimers Disease, ha caracterizado una variante genética en el gen SIRPB1, que afecta el modo en el que el sistema inmune lucha contra los...

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New micromaterial releases nanoparticles that selectively destroy cancer cells

by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)

I has been developed micromaterials made up only of proteins, capable of delivering over an extended period of time nanoparticles that attack specific cancer cells and destroy them. The micromaterials...

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Detecting antibodies rapidly using nanosensors based on CIC biomaGUNE patented technology

by CIC biomaGUNE

CIC biomaGUNE matures a business project in order to market innovative devices designed to detect respiratory diseases in self-test format

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A new horizon in oncology: SUMOylation and its determining role in the evolution of hepatic cancer

by CIC bioGUNE

The study reveals that SUMOylation of HuR, a protein implicated in the post-transcriptional regulation of multiple genes, fosters cancer hallmarks such as proliferation and invasion. Conversely, the a...

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Laura Soucek receives an ERC Advanced Grant to maximize the clinical and preclinical use of the first viable MYC inhibitor


Laura Soucek, an ICREA Research Professor, Director of VHIO’s Experimental Therapeutics Program, and Head of our Models of Cancer Therapies Group, has received a European Research Council (ERC) Adv...

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An innovative therapeutic strategy to treat colon cancer is discovered

by IDIBELL - Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge

It has been identified how the combination of inhibitors of PP2A and WEE1 proteins induces the death of colon cancer cells, offering a new perspective in the treatment of this disease.

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