A biopsy can diagnose Parkinson’s disease at an early stage in patients with sleep disorders

by Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca Biomèdica

Researchers from Hospital Clínic and IDIBAPS have shown for the first time that it is possible to diagnose Parkinson’s disease (PD) in people with sleep disorders through a biopsy. This test is per...

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Una combinación de señales en las histonas salvaguarda la información epigenética durante la división celular

by Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CNB)

Las histonas regulan la organización del ADN a lo largo del ciclo celular. Modificaciones en estas proteínas determinan el grado de compactación del material genético y la expresión de sus genes....

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La degradación proteica y sus aplicaciones en cáncer centran la charla del Premio Nobel de Química Aaron Ciechanover

by UPF - Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Bajo el título “The Ubiquitin Proteolytic System: From Basic Mechanisms through Human Diseases and on to Drug Targeting”, el ganador del Premio Nobel de Química (2004), Aaron Ciechanover, resumi...

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Rubisco: una evolución marcada por la temperatura y el CO2

by Universitat de les Illes Balears

La tesis doctoral de Carmen Hermida investiga la variabilidad genética de esta proteína esencial para la fotosíntesis y la productividad de plantas y cultivos

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EntreChem's mithralog EC-8042 promising activity for Ewing sarcoma, published in Clinical Cancer Research

by EntreChem

Collectively, these results provide a basis for the continued development of EC-8042 as an EWS-FLI1 inhibitor for the clinic, and highlights the therapeutic opportunities offered by targeting transcri...

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Researchers discover that breast cancer tumour growth is dependent on lipid availability

by IRB Barcelona - Instituto de Investigación Biomédica

In an article published in Nature Communications, scientists at IRB Barcelona reveal that breast cancer cells require fatty acids from the extracellular environment in order to continue proliferating....

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CNIO scientists discover a new mechanism of resistance to chemotherapy

by CNIO - Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas

Óscar Fernández-Capetillo’s team reports that ATR kinase inhibitors are more effective in cells with high levels of CDC25A protein expression. ATR inhibitors were previously developed at the CNIO ...

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A key gene in the development of coeliac disease has been found in ‘junk' DNA

by Universidad del País Vasco

Science has published the study in which three researchers of the UPV/EHU-University of the Basque Country have participated. 40% of the population carry the main risk factor for coeliac disease but o...

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IRB Barcelona 'Meet Our Scientists Maria Macias': Structural biologists are as meticulous as watchmakers

by IRB Barcelona - Instituto de Investigación Biomédica

One of her research lines addresses Smad proteins. This line is developed together with Joan Massagué, director of the Institute Sloan Kettering in New York. They study the behaviour of these protein...

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La Plataforma de Producción de Proteínas de la UAB recibe la certificación ISO 9001: 2008

by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)

Tras una fase de diagnosis y de implantación de la norma en el año 2013, la Unidad de Garantía de Calidad de la UAB llevó a cabo una auditoría interna en marzo de 2015, un proceso que ha conducid...

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S6K1 phosphorylation, a potential new biomarker and therapeutic target for obesity

by IBEC - Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya

New study uncovers a molecular mechanism by which ribosomal protein S6 kinase 1 (S6K1) regulates early adipogenesis, offering a potential therapeutic avenue for the treatment of obesity.

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Researchers identify a potential treatment for an important subset of patients with colon cancer

by IBEC - Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya

The results, published in Cell, show the usefulness of functional genetic approaches in describing the vulnerabilities of various subgroups of cancers, an approach susceptible to be explored from the ...

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