ARTHEx Biotech, backed by Columbus Venture Partners, receives IND Clearance from FDA to Initiate the Phase I-IIa ArthemiR™ Trial of ATX-01 for Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 (DM1)

by ARTHEx Biotech

ARTHEx Biotech S.L., a clinical-stage biotechnology company focused on developing innovative medicines through the modulation of microRNAs backed by Columbus Venture Partners, has announced that the ...

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Un estudio de la Universidad de Zaragoza descubre un tipo de enzimas de la microbiota que mantienen el equilibrio de la mucosa intestinal

by Universidad de Zaragoza

Han conseguido obtener la estructura tridimensional y el mecanismo de acción de la mucinasa HC7, la cual define una nueva familia de mucinasas completamente distinta de las conocidas actualmente, y a...

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IBEC and ISGlobal scientists develop an innovative compound effective against malaria and leishmaniasis

by IBEC - Institut de Bioenginyeria de Catalunya

A study led by IBEC and ISGlobal has demonstrated the antileishmanial potential of an antimalarial compound. Initially designed for malaria, this drug shows high efficacy against leishmaniasis, repres...

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Spanish researchers to design proteins using AI to make advanced therapies more efficient


Researchers have joined forces to design using artificial intelligence and produce next-generation viral particles to be applied in advanced therapies. These particles can be used in immunotherapies, ...

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El estudio ha revelado la aparición incipiente de variantes de coronavirus con propiedades biológicas alteradas en pacientes de COVID-19

by Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

El estudio ha revelado la aparición incipiente de variantes de coronavirus con propiedades biológicas alteradas en pacientes de COVID-19

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CNIO researchers discover a protein that prevents DNA triplication

by CNIO - Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas

The DNA molecule is copied each time a cell divides. If, instead of being copied once, the DNA is copied several times, i.e. tripled or even quadrupled, the likelihood of cancer increases. The new dis...

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Descrito un nuevo gen implicado en el desarrollo de un tipo de distrofia muscular

by Biodonostia

La principal conclusión es que la presencia de variantes patogénicas en el gen SNUPN puede causar un cuadro clínico de distrofia muscular. También han descrito una serie de procesos moleculares qu...

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Papel del sistema inmune en el cáncer del pulmón

by Labo'Life

Conocer los mecanismos inmunitarios implicados en el control de las células tumorales y los mecanismos de evasión que utilizan las células malignas en el cáncer de pulmón son esenciales para elab...

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New animal model created to study Parkinson's disease before neurodegeneration appears

by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)

A research team led by the Institut de Neurociències at the UAB has managed to generate and validate a new animal model. This model enables the examination of the initial phases of Parkinson's diseas...

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A European study in people with the participation of Clínic-IDIBAPS shows that treatment with the drug Abatacept reduces the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis

by Fundació Clínic per a la Recerca Biomèdica

Published in the journal The Lancet, the study presents the results of Abatacept, a drug that modulates the activation of T cells, which play a key role in the progression of the disease.

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Launch of a pioneering translational research programme in Europe

by IRB Barcelona - Instituto de Investigación Biomédica

The TRIP initiative establishes three new joint laboratories that bring together fundamental biomedical research and clinical research with the aim of accelerating the delivery of results to patients....

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