The study, carried out by Dr. Sabio and CNIC investigator Bárbara Gonzalez-Terán, shows for the first time that two proteins, p38 gamma and p38 delta, control heart growth
Read moreResearchers at the Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CNB-CSIC), in collaboration with other European centres, have reconstructed the three-dimensional structure of the CCR4-NOT complex. CCR4-NOT cons...
Read moreLos resultados obtenidos “ponen de manifiesto que la realización de un programa de entrenamiento de fuerza de ocho semanas de duración produce una disminución significativa en la expresión basal...
Read moreInvestigadores de las universidades de Granada, Barcelona y Jaén demuestran que el ácido maslínico, un triterpeno natural presente en altas concentraciones en la capa cerosa de la piel y el fruto d...
Read moreThe nematode Caernorhabditis elegans is used in Dr. Julián Cerón’s laboratory as a model for several diseases. The group has recently published two articles, in Genetics and in Nature medicine.
Read moreEl estudio, publicado en la revista PLOS Biology, podría aportar nuevas dianas para la prevención, el diagnóstico temprano y el tratamiento, no solo del Alzheimer, sino también del Parkinson, la e...
Read moreThe scientists employed the algorithms used to analyse the influence and popularity of websites, such as Wikipedia or social networks. These results provide the basis for exploring communication betwe...
Read moreLa tesis doctoral de Luis Martínez Crespo investiga módulos moleculares capaces de inducir el plegamiento de compuestos peptidomiméticos para que imiten la forma y la función de las proteínas
Read moreEste grupo de científicos ha descubierto como una pequeña proteína llamada SIAH2, tiene un importante papel en el control de estos mecanismos protectores. Los científicos han observado que está v...
Read moreThe patent is a method to integrate data from mass spectrometry which greatly increases the performance in identifying peptides and proteins.
Read moreThis discovery not only advances understanding of the mechamisms underlying this disease; it could also support the development of new strategies to treat or even prevent the disease.
Read moreThe molecules synthesized by Ernest Giralt’s lab at IRB Barcelona bind a key protein in cancer that has received little attention as a therapeutic target. The long-term goal is to provide a new chem...
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