El IIS La Fe colabora en un proyecto de la UPV que propone un novedoso enfoque para frenar la degeneración neuromuscular en pacientes con ELA

by Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria La Fe

Un estudio propone un novedoso enfoque para frenar la degeneración neuromuscular en pacientes con Esclerosis Lateral Amiotrófica (ELA). Esta patología provoca la pérdida de neuronas motoras y la p...

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Descubren qué factores hacen progresar al cáncer de mama triple negativo

by Agencia Sinc

El análisis exhaustivo de un caso permite observar cómo evolucionan paralelamente la genética del tumor y el sistema inmunitario de la paciente. La investigación resalta la necesidad de implementa...

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Artificial intelligence tool developed to predict multiple sclerosis patients' evolution

by IMIM - Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques

This new tool may make it possible to adapt the monitoring and treatment of patients to their future evolution, opting for the most effective, but with more possible side effects in those with worse p...

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How Oocytes Outsmart Toxic Proteins to Preserve Long-term Female Fertility

by Centre for Genomic Regulation

Researchers at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) in Barcelona have discovered a new mechanism which explains how oocytes remain in pristine conditions for decades without succumbing to the wear ...

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AI provides the most complete map of interactions key to bacterial survival

by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)

UAB researchers have produced the most complete map of the bacterial essential interactome, i.e. how proteins combine and interact to perform functions essential for their survival.

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Identifican una molécula implicada en la extinción del miedo

by Universidad del País Vasco

Un equipo de investigación en el que ha participado el investigador de la UPV/EHU Garikoitz Azkona ha identificado un nuevo mediador responsable de la alteración de los recuerdos relacionados con el...

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Las mitocondrias con la proteína ATAD3 mutada sube el nivel de colesterol en la célula, que provoca enfermedades neurológicas

by Biodonostia

El análisis de las células provenientes de varios pacientes con mutaciones en ATAD3 reveló que las mitocondrias y su ADN presentan algunas alteraciones estructurales y que el colesterol celular est...

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Plants use decoys to modulate responses against biotic stresses

by Centro de Biotecnología y Genómica de Plantas CBGP

RIN4, a protein of the RIN4-like/NOI family, is a central immune signal in the interactions of plants and pathogens. In this study, we demonstrate the participation of NOI10 and NOI11 in the RIN4-medi...

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Desvelan los mecanismos moleculares de unas células inmunitarias que protegen de infecciones intestinales

by Centro Nacional de Biotecnología (CNB)

Hasta ahora, se desconocía cómo las células linfoides innatas del grupo 3 del sistema inmunitario actuaban frente a bacterias que provocan infecciones en el intestino. Ahora, un equipo de investiga...

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The Bigas Lab finds Notch self-inhibition keeps haematopoietic stem cells from differentiate

by IMIM - Institut Hospital del Mar d'Investigacions Mèdiques

It has been found that the population of haematopoietic stem cells (HSC) responsible for the generation and self-renewal of the blood and immune system keeps a long-term undifferentiated state thanks ...

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New, more biocompatible materials for bioelectronic applications

by CIC biomaGUNE

The proposal is to combine a conventional conductive polymer with engineered proteins so that new materials with bioelectronic applications can be synthesized

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Learning and Memory Problems in Down syndrome Linked to Alterations in Genome's ‘Dark Matter’

by Centre for Genomic Regulation

Researchers at the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) reveal that the Snhg11 gene is critical for the function and formation of neurons in the hippocampus. Experiments with mice and human tissues rev...

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